Planning Board Meeting Thursday at 7 p.m.


To FOLQ Members and Supporters

Please do your best to attend using Zoom the Planning Board meeting Thursday night at 7 p.m. focusing on FOLQ’s town meeting zoning articles.

The Zoom Link is:

The articles will not be acted on at Town Meeting this Saturday if the Planning Board does not “report on the articles to Town Meeting” after the Thursday night hearing. It is crucial that there are a lot of concerned citizens demonstrating their involvement.

The legal maneuver by the developer– to formally file preliminary plans in order to be immune to any zoning changes, makes it more important than ever to have the zoning change discussed publicly and voted on at Town Meeting. It is the ONLY place where citizens can discuss and then vote for their views.

A vote at Town Meeting is the best way we can give clear support to the Zoning Board of Appeals to oppose the current plan when the developer appears before them requesting approval for a “Special Permit” to begin building.

On Thursday, it is not important that most people make statements. However, it is important that you are present

Thank you again for your support. We are convinced we can all make a difference if we continue our efforts together.

FOLQ Board of Directors.
