Lake Cleanups

FOLQ and Galvin Middle School Partner to Clean Up the Lakeshore
Twice yearly, FOLQ joins forces with Galvin Middle School 5th and 6th Graders and adult volunteers to clean up the lake’s shoreline along the south end of the Lake, from the Lower Common to Hull Park. Students and volunteers meet at the bandstand on the Lower Common to clean shore and park areas of Lake Quannapowitt, removing dozens of bags of trash and debris. Students have found everything from candy wrappers and water bottles, to a collection of tiny terracotta pots, and even a whole coconut!
Cleanups generally happen on one Saturday in the spring and in the fall, from 9:00am to 12:00pm. Check our events page for the next cleanup scheduled!
Local Organizations Can Also Help
We also partner with local businesses and organizations to clean up other areas of Lake Quannapowitt not included in our middle school student cleanup days. Anyone interested in volunteering should contact FOLQ by emailing
Thank you to all our students and volunteers – your hard work supports a healthier Lake Quannapowitt and its surrounding ecosystem!