Bricks by the Lake

Initiated in 2006, Bricks by the Lake is a program that raises funds for improvements in lakeside parklands through personal memorials on engraved bricks by the lakeshore.


About Bricks by the Lake

Located at Col. Connelly Park at the head of Lake Quannapowitt, the Bricks by the Lake program is authorized by the Wakefield Town Council and administered by the Friends of Lake Quannapowitt. Surrounding the flagpole, there are hundreds of personal messages documenting family love, love of the lake and town, or secret notes known only to a few folks. Out of those heartfelt missives, park renovations, including the nearby playground for young children, have been funded.  It is love put into action in manner that is permanent within tasteful architectural planning.

Applications for engraved bricks are accepted year round and are laid in place each spring. Every other spring, there is a dedication service for all bricks donated over the past two years. Dedication years coming up are 2025, 2027, 2029, etc. Brick orders must be mailed by March 1st to guarantee brick will be installed

Bricks come in three options:

  • Individual/Family: 4×8 (3 lines of 15 characters) for a donation of $150
  • Individual/Family: 8×8 (5 lines of 15 characters) for a donation of $250
  • Business/Organization: 8×8 (5 lines of 15 characters) for a donation of $500

How to Order Your Brick(s)


1) Choose your order form:

2) Complete your order form and submit payment via credit card or check. 

  • Credit card payments: Visit our GiveButter payment page to pay securely via credit card.
  • Check payments: Follow the instructions on the order form to pay via check.

For other questions about the program, email us at or by voicemail at 781-486-3795.