Position Explained: FOLQ Supports Town Meeting Article 16


Dear Friends of Lake Quannapowitt,

The Wakefield Planning Board recently voted against supporting the citizen petition request for a zoning by-law amendment for 50 Quannapowitt Parkway for a self-storage facility. The Friends of Lake Quannapowitt Board had considered options for this site, and the Board of Directors voted unanimously to support the amendment. As such, FOLQ sent a letter to the Planning Board to indicate FOLQ support for the amendment. The FOLQ decision to support the change to the Zoning By-Laws remains firm. The Planning Board’s decision is not binding, and the adoption the potential by law change will be decided by vote at the April 29, 2024, Town Meeting.

The FOLQ Board believes that it is important to explain our decision to support the zoning change at 50 Quannapowitt Parkway, and why we feel it is important for citizens of Wakefield to support the amendment at town meeting.

Reasons for our Support of Article 16:

  • The proposed zoning change will only allow another possible use type (self-storage) to the zoning code and affects a single Limited Business district.
  • Approval by Town Meeting of the change gives the town another option when considering approving development at the property.
  • The self-storage building presented will limit the scale of development, set aside useful open green space for public use and significantly reduce traffic and parking, as opposed to other possible options for development on the site.
  • The proposed bylaw amendment could significantly minimize the development impact to the lake and the lake area.
  • Town Meeting approval of this limited article does not in any way compromise the detailed project review process by the Conservation Commission and the Zoning Board of Appeals prior to approval any final approval.

The FOLQ Board asks for your support for Article 16 at Town Meeting on April 29. In our unanimous opinion, this zoning amendment will make it possible for the Town to consider a development option that may be best for the lake environment. We think the town and its citizens should be able to consider that choice.


Board of Directors
Friends of Lake Quannapowitt

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